Beau and I have had the good fortune to own a few homes. With each house, there was great joy and excitement as we looked forward to all the memories we would share. Our first home, 1500 square feet, 3 bedroom, 2 bath brick house built in the 70's with harvest gold fixtures, was the home we brought Zander to from the hospital. Such sweet memories. Beau and I honestly thought we would live there for a very long time. We had envisioned walking Zander to school, as the elementary school was literally beyond our back yard fence. However, we celebrated Zander's 4th birthday in that home and shortly after, we moved.
Our second home was a 1980's brick home with 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms and about 2000 square feet. I LOVED this home. It was nestled on 3/4 acres and surrounded with almost 100 azalea bushes. They were beautiful in the springtime when they were in full bloom.
Family photo in front of some of the azaleas |
Hunting for Easter eggs was especially fun with so many spots to camouflage those brightly colored eggs. It was in this home that we decided we were ready to adopt privately. So, naturally, we began looking for a larger home to accommodate our growing family to be. We lived in this house for 3 years.
Then we moved into a beautiful brick home on a cul-de-sac in the back of a large neighborhood. We had a large fenced lot. The house was 2900 square feet with 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. It was in this home that we felt led to foster and continue to grow our family.

This was the home where we lovingly hosted so many events; lots of baby showers, many small group family worships dinners, New Years Eve celebrations, and Halloween get togethers. We always opened our house up to guests and were so happy to do so. It was in this house that we felt God leading us to be open, transparent, hospitable, and willing. When you foster, you have to have the mindset that privacy is no longer an option. Visits from case workers, inspectors, guardian ad litems, and others (sometimes scheduled and sometimes not) were a way of life. This was such a sweet time that we felt God was stretching us and we sure did grow. We lived here for 5 years. Our family grew by 3 in this home. I became a stay at home mom in this home. So many life changing events occurred in this house and we are so thankful for each one.
Painted Mural on the wall of Will's room |
Then the next phase of our life took us to New Hampshire. We have lived here for almost 2 years now and just recently purchased a lovely home that I affectionately call the Country Charmer. This 2800 square foot, 4 bedroom 2 1/2 bath house was built in the 80's, so it is neither modern nor old. But it certainly has some of the charming country things that I love. We have exposed beams in the kitchen, our living room ceiling is all wood, all the wood staining elsewhere is dark., 2 brick fireplaces, lots of mature trees and shrubbery that gives us privacy and shading, and beautiful hardwood flooring. But then we have some modern things like 9 skylights, large deck, open floor plan, garden tub, and large windows that allow much natural light. I am not a contemporary girl, although I love the houses that my friends' own that are modern and beautiful. I am not a true country girl, but there is something appealing about log cabins. In my opinion, this house offers the best of both worlds.

Here are some of the before and after photos of our new home. We still have a bunch of projects to complete like painting, removing more wallpaper, updating. But for now, our home is unpacked, organized, clean, and presentable. Just don't look in the basement!!!
Before |
See all that natural lighting! |
Living Room: Before |
After |
Eat In Kitchen |
My Kitchen |
Dining Room: Before
Dining Room: After Still needs wallpaper removal, new paint, and new curtains
Office: Before
This room is part office and part play area for us
Foyer: Before
Foyer: Our version
Master Bedroom: Before
Our Style
Our Bathroom I love the garden tub!
Zander's Bedroom: Before
You can take the boy out of Florida, but never Florida out of the boy
Oliver and Carter's room: Before
Remember the mural from the old house? Beau made this for the boys
The wall isn't really black, just a bad photographer
Will's Room: Before
We were initially going to place Will and Ollie in the same bedroom and let Carter have the small room to himself. However, just before our move, William came to us and very seriously expressed his desire to have his own room so his brother's wouldn't "mess with his Star Wars stuff". He being the 2nd oldest, we felt that we needed to allow his request. So far, it has worked out wonderfully. He shares his stuff freely, but knows that at the end of each day, everything is safely put back into "His" room.
My favorite room in the house is also the smallest room in the house. It it known as the loft. This room serves many purposes. It is to be used as Zander's homework area, my scrapbook and craft room, and also the boy's art area. I just know lots of time will be spent in this room. I can not wait.

And this is my 2nd most favorite place, our back yard and deck. We have already spent a ton of time out here and have shared many dinners on the deck. Beau has been grilling each week and the boys have enjoyed playing in the backyard. Already, we have had several neighbors come and introduce themselves and so far, those new families have children. It's so nice to hear the giggles and conversations between all the kids in my backyard. I am so thankful. I think this house and this phase of our life will be known as our peaceful retreat in our little Country Charmer.
Beautiful! Glad you guys found your perfect home :)