I love this time of year. Although this is only my 2nd Fall in New England, I have come to realize that this is by far the prettiest season. I like sledding in the snow, I enjoy the clean spring air, I minimally tolerate the summer, but the fall is absolutely perfect in my opinion. You get to enjoy cooler weather, drive around with your car windows open, wear fun hats, take in the trees' vibrant colors, and attend the many small local festivals. Last Fall was such a whirlwind for me as I was still adjusting to being a complete family once again. But this year, I actually feel home. What a relief that is!! Nothing worse than just sitting around watching the world pass around me and not feeling like I belong in it. But, this is a happy blog, so we won't relive last year.

This is the first season that all 4 boys were old enough to play soccer. Will and Oliver played last year, and although they enjoyed it, they really were not quite ready to fully engage. Therefore, we skipped the Spring season, partly because Carter wasn't old enough yet to play and partly because we wanted them to get a little more age on them. Anyway, they had their first game last weekend. Bruce was the parent that got to take the three little boys. Will and Ollie are on the same team and they actually played very well together. Oliver scored two goals with extreme ease and had a few drives toward goal. According to Bruce, he looked natural. (I don't think that is just a proud dad talking). We have always seen natural athletic ability from Oliver. Will played defense and apparently that is a great position for him. He didn't let a ball pass him. He also had some forward drives. This is a huge improvement over last year because most of the time during the games, you would find William sitting on the sidelines eating snacks. The Bennett Brothers were the Dynamic Duo of the team. Would have loved to see it.
William doing one of the dribbling drills.
Will kicking the soccer ball...isn't he cute? |
At one point before the game, Bruce captured a tender moment between Oliver and one of his teammates holding hands. For those of you that don't know this, we suspect Oliver is somewhere on the autism spectrum. So, to find him being social and especially affectionate with another person outside of our family is very significant. This pictures actually makes me tear up. I love it.

Carter, having never been on the official soccer field, was very excited. He was also extremely proud of his new soccer clothes. Carter was one of the younger kids on his team, but also one of the biggest. On a young team like Carter's, they do not actually play a game. The kids just practice easy drills in order to learn how to handle the ball. This little league is like watching a small, kind of organized mess on the field. But they are so cute at this age. Carter is fast, strong, and apparently likes to play shot put with the soccer ball. But other than that, he had a great time. Carter has the physique of a football player.....so maybe, one day.
See the strength? |
In perfect shot put formation!! Too bad this is soccer. LOL
And of course there is Zander, who has been playing soccer since he was 4. He is 13 and plays on a league of 12 to 16 year olds. This is an impressive league to watch because of the pace. Zander has continued to increase his speed and agility on the field as there is so much competition in this age group.
Carter is happy, but Will is unhappy because he says it's a baby ride!! |
Another favorite part about the fall is the numerous small local festivals. This past weekend, our family enjoyed the "Olde Home Days". It was a fun little fair and the kids had a blast. They rode just about every ride and of course enjoyed the mandatory junk food at the end. But, in upcoming days, we have the Apple Fest, Pumpkin Fest, and pumpkin picking to look forward to. I never thought I would be a girl to enjoy small town pleasures, but I have surprised myself. We keep hearing this is a nice place to raise a family, and so far, they have been right.
Carter wouldn't go unless Ollie joined him. Brotherly love. |
All four enjoyed this one.
Zander and Ollie
Zander and Will
You just HAVE to buy junk food at a fair :)
It would just be easier to hose him down. He was a total mess!
I sit here now dreaming of apple cider, evenings in front of the fireplace, warm cozy blankets, fuzzy socks, and snuggling with the family.
I also look forward to visits from family and my best friend this fall.
It just doesn't get any better than this. So thankful for the beauty that surrounds me and for my family.