Each morning last week, the boys were still excited about returning to school. That is always a good thing for a mom. We prayed about where to place the boys this school year because their last school closed their doors due to low enrollment, and the school they were districted for was already full. I was referred to Hollis Primary (which is one town away from us) by their districted school. That very day, I called Hollis and that same morning that school had been approved to open up 2 new slots for students in my town. God thing or what? Those two slots were for William and Oliver. If you are the praying type, you understand how nice it is to get confirmation. I felt like God was leading us to this school, but when the confirmations began this week, it just gave me a peace. Between the boys being so happy, their teachers being well equipped in the special education department, and the team already working on helping Oliver with various services, I just know that the boys have been placed in the right school.
Their teacher called me last week just to give me an update and take the time to ask me what I thought. She even noticed the burden that William puts upon himself to correct Oliver's behavior, while also protecting him. So she took Will aside and explained to him that Oliver was the teacher's responsibility. She wanted to relieve Will of any responsibility so that he could be freed up and could experience his own academic success. I am so thankful for teachers that provide me with communication and truly care about their students. I know they work hard for the little appreciation they receive.
Carter was left behind this year. Even though he wanted to be in school like his big brothers, he has enjoyed staying home with me. He cried the first day Will and Ollie went to school.....thus, this picture. But he and I have had one on one time and it has been fun. He is a completely different child when left to his own time. He has been singing, dancing, and playing happily all week long. He hasn't had to share anything. I would say he was actually giddy.
I look forward to enjoying my new schedule this year. Having just one child at home, even if just for a couple of hours a day, it a whole new dynamic that I am embracing. Having a peace about where Will and Oliver are attending school is a relief. I can't wait to see the growth and maturity this year as Ollie and Will experience Pre-K.
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