Cami was the friend that kept reminding me to trust our Lord and to step out in faith. And I did. Her husband baptized Beau and I and eventually Zander too. My stepping out in faith led to becoming a stay at home mom, adopting, and then fostering. And even bigger faith, moving to New Hampshire. And she was there supporting and clapping the whole way. Aside from your spouse, I think every girl needs that one special friend that you can be totally yourself with. Cami is that friend for me. She has seen my good, bad, and ugly times and still remains my friend.
I was very fearful of what moving 1200 miles away would do to our relationship. It has changed and that is to be expected. But one thing still remains, we are bonded in a special way. That will never change. As she has become incredibly busy with her calligraphy business and her mission work for the ApParent project, her time is definitely not her own. I am proud of her work and her selflessness as she has been successful, with God's hand, in helping the Haitian Artists regain their dignity while climbing their way out of poverty. But somehow, she has been able to carve out a few days in October to come visit. Beau has been so generous to take some time off work so that Cami and I can go play.
This visit was just as much fun as last year. She arrived on Thursday and we went for an early dinner together. I am thankful she likes Mexican almost as much as our family does. She and I ate at Shorty's and got caught up, even though we talk almost daily (and sometimes several times a day)! But there's nothing better than being able to look your friend in the eyes and having a great conversation!
Old Ironsides |

We get to the bus terminal, only to find out the sign says last bus back to Nashua was at 9:30. My watch declared it was 9:35....we could probably still smell the bus fumes if we were standing outside. Apparently, the only thing I was in charge of which was reading the bus schedule, I read incorrectly. Ugh. I bet that the girl that ran past us made the bus. So, figuring they had an alternative plan for us, Cami and I approached the ticket counter for the bus line. The gentleman very plainly stated that we could either stay in Boston overnight or take a later bus to another city. This man just had no sympathy for our predicament. Ha. So now I had to do the only thing left to do, call Beau. The moment I called, he said, "What did you do?" It's almost as if he knows me. LOL Needless to say, he came and rescued Cami and I and we finally arrived home around 12:30am. Maybe one day he will be able to laugh about that one.
During her visit, we kept hearing about hurricane Sandy. But being from Florida, we are used to hurricanes and didn't consider this too seriously. We just kept going about our business. You know, pumpkin pancakes or omelets at Parker's Maple Barn, or the huge Yankee Candle store in Mass. But by Saturday night, we learned that most of the flights leaving Monday were canceled. Cami spent hours Saturday night and early Sunday morning waiting on hold to talk to the airline and change her ticket. After over 3 hours, we decided that we needed to drive to the airport and get this handled in person. She got the absolute last seat available leaving Manchester and eventually arriving home. God thing? She was of course welcome to stay with us as I would have enjoyed more time with her. However, hanging out in a house with possibly no electricity and no running water would not have been a good ending to her vacation.
Beau took Cami to her early flight Monday morning. As it turns out, her flight was the ONLY one not canceled. She was literally the last seat on the only flight getting her back to Jacksonville. God totally took care of her. After all, she has a family too to take care of and I am sure Russell was ready for her to be home.
So, although I was completely worn out in Boston, we missed our last bus back home, and we had to dodge the storm, we had the best time. That what best friends do. They find the humor and fun in any situation. I am thankful for my friend and I can't wait until next year.
When stranded in Boston, Cami's husband referred to us as Laverne and Shirley. I just have one question. Which one of us is which?
Awesome!!!!! I love you girl!!!!