Last night, I finally convinced Beau to photograph our children for our annual Christmas picture. This is supposed to be a time of fun and enjoyment and a time of new memories. But, being a family with 4 spunky boys where 3 of them are close in age and all 5 years and under and 1 is a teenager and hardly wants to be in photos right now, fun would not be the word to describe last evening.
When we were just a family of 3, it was so much easier to capture that 1 perfect picture that was worthy of sending to all of our closest friends and family. Now, we simply settle for the least bad picture to send. It's all about priority. Which leads me into a part of my blog that I need to get off my chest for my own peace.
Last weeks events in Connecticut, although tragic, life-changing, and forever memorable, changes people and their priorities. I am not going to even try to understand or explain what happened in that small elementary school. People way smarter than myself will never truly comprehend last weeks events. Do we need tougher gun control? How about less? Should Government have more involvement in public schools? Perhaps more religion in the classroom would fix everything? I can debate every side of those questions and still not have any solution. People around our nation have very strong opinions about these topics. This is just a little blog that a gal living in a very small town in New England writes. She has 4 boys and her life can be summed up very quickly: Taxi-Cab Driver, Soccer Mom, Boy Scout Mom, Homework motivator, Domestic Engineer, Sibling Referee, Teacher, Nurturer, Wife. None of these descriptions qualify me to offer much to the solution.
Even though I have very passionate opinions about the above questions, this is not the forum in which I wish to present them. There are only a few things that I know for sure. I am called to love, forgive, not judge, and treat others as I would have them treat me. But I believe the ONE thing that most people can agree on despite their beliefs and backgrounds is our priorities. The loss of those sweet babies and committed teachers last week will forever resinate in our hearts and minds. We will all hug and love on our own children just a little longer and tighter. If nothing else, that is the one thing that brings us all together.
Priorities. Watching my children underneath the Christmas Tree while Beau tried to capture that perfect picture would normally irritate me after the 10th, 20th, or even 30th attempt. Zander took a needle from a tree branch to the eye which caused a huge delay and I am pretty sure it hurt. Will and Ollie fought over who got to be next to Zander. Carter insisted that the picture would be cuter if he laid on his back rather than his belly. Oliver would never look at the camera at the right time. Will thought it would be better to make funny faces for the camera. Carter kept running off because he lost interest after the 40th take. Tears were involved at some point with each child during the session. But remember priorities. I remained calm and even found a little humor in our chaos. I am thankful that I have my 4 babies to hold, hug, and tuck into bed each night. Or in Zander's case, tell him good night (because goodness knows, you don't tuck in a teenager). I am lucky if I am even allowed in his room anymore.
So, if you are receiving a Christmas card from us, I apologize in advance. Trust me, I sent you the least worst one.
Nope |
Nope |
Definitely Not |
Oliver looks cute |
No again! |
No one is even looking at the camera and I am missing my youngest! |
Nope |
Don't think so |
Kind of close..... maybe? |
No Way!!! |
Here we have an unhappy and crying Carter |
Finally, I present the least worst one! Woo Hoo.
And it only took 61 pictures to get our least worst one. Success. Maybe we can get it in under 50 attempts next year. Gotta have goals.......and priorities.
Hope you enjoyed the pictures at my childrens' expense.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the Bennetts.
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