Well, we closed out 2012 with a bang. This year has seen it's share of ups and downs, triumphs and failures, family closeness and family bickering, blessings and fears. But I am sure most people can say the same thing about their 2012. It's always nice to start off a new year because everything feels new, like a clean slate. The best of intentions are put in motion (like eating healthy, working out, being more financially cautious, saving money, being more patient, being more globally aware....pick one). You have a whole new 12 months of memories to make and all the worries belong to the year past. Things feel fresh and the year begins with a large feeling of hope. And don't we all need a little hope? Faith?
Beau sent me down to Florida for a couple of days, ALL BY MYSELF. He is so good to me. I had a couple of quiet and low key days with my family. I even got a chance to spend some time with my best friend and participate in her annual cookie decorating event. I really missed my boys back home, but I learned that I severely needed this down time. I had no responsibilities, no schedules, and time to actually complete my thoughts. I also had a chance to catch up with a good friend who is a foster and adoptive mom like myself. I always enjoy time with her. She is a licensed therapist and I always learn so much from her each time we talk. I was sad that I didn't have time to see everyone during this quick trip, but I purposefully used this time to rejuvenate. I appreciated being hosted and pampered.
William sang and recited his memorized verse in front of our church during the Christmas Eve service. I was so proud of him and I think he was proud of himself. However, he was not happy about being dressed in a vest. He thought he looked silly and I had to convince him how handsome he was. Apparently he was so embarrassed by his vest, he refused to take off his jacket when he was on stage in front of the congregation. Oh well, I still thought he was cute!
Every year, Beau's company has a shut down where they are closed for business. This year, however, between how the holidays fell and the shut down was scheduled, Beau had a consecutive 17 days off. He and I took turns sleeping in each day and that was truly awesome. We rarely get to sleep in. We ate brunches most days around noon. We giggled that it was a money saving approach because on the large brunch days, we only ate 2 meals. Ha. We spent many days in our pajamas and enjoying NO AGENDA. In fact, the boys had to go back to school before Beau had to go back to work. So he and I (and Carter) had a nice and kind of quiet lunch at Olive Garden one afternoon. Nothing is ever really quiet with Carter around, unless he's asleep!!! Carter is our loud and busy one.
We did finally receive some substantial snow and I was able to get some experience driving in it. Basically, snow is fun to play in, sled in, and build snowmen in. However, driving, slipping, falling down on the ice, not being able to see the lines on the road, keeping up with everyone's snow gear......not so fun. It drives me crazy if all the gloves and mittens are not matched up. If we have a lone mitten, no rest for me until it's found. I'm just like that.
In Florida, we always brought in the New Year's with our friends. We would host a small gathering of our closest friends and have a game night while ringing in the New Year. This was always so much fun. I learned that I love Cranium, but I stink at the charades part. I learned who can hum songs and who can't. I have learned what family to NOT challenge in trivia. I have learned just how competitive some of us are. But mostly, I learned that I love those families in Florida and I miss them dearly. However, the past two years, it has just been our little family. That has been nice too. We save that night for snacky foods for dinner and movies. This year, Carter made it to 9:30 until he fell asleep in my arms. Will and Ollie made it to 10pm. Then Zander, Beau and I stayed up until 2am. Of course, no matter how late the little guys went to bed, they are still up early the next morning. Sigh!!
Reviewing this past year, I am thankful that our family is together. I have come full circle and I am enjoying the small things now. I celebrate even the smallest of triumphs because sometimes that is all there is. With the fiscal cliff looming over us, the economy being a wreck, jobs no longer being secure, and the constant chaos of running a household full of boys, there is much to feel anxious about. So yes, the small things have to count for much now. They probably should have all along.
Philippians 4:6-7 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Triumphs of 2012:
** Zander is working independently on his homework and showing some signs of maturity
** William, although initially behind because of our move, is now ready for Kindergarten
** Oliver gave up his passo (pacifier) just after his 4th birthday
** Carter shows signs of compassion (sharing, hugging brothers when they have boo-boos)
** Our family is finally working together again as a single unit and not as 6 bickering, selfish
individuals (I was probably the biggest bickering selfish component)
** I am no longer in the depths of despair
** Oliver is showing some serious improvements with small changes made in our parenting
** Beau and I have a financial plan and we are working toward goals
** William is asking a lot of great questions about God and says he wants to know HIM
** Now, all 4 boys pray during dinner and at bedtime (and they are so precious)
** Oliver will wear a button down shirt sometimes and was willing to have his picture taken during
school "retakes"
** We survived all 4 boys playing soccer at the SAME time
** We can all go play outside without the 3 little boys "scattering"
** Will is getting used to the colder weather and no longer requires carrying a blanket with him
everywhere he goes
** We went on our first hike and we finished with the same number of people that began the hike
** Everyone can now dress themselves (almost entirely) in their own winter gear
** I have set aside a ton of things for our next garage sale
** I only fell down the stairs one time
** Everyone is out of a booster seat at the dinner table
** We flew to and from Florida and we were never asked to exit the plane due to crying/screaming
** We made it through Sea World and didn't lose anyone and even managed to have a good time
** Our Christmas tree remained in tact for the entire season....never once did I desire to lay it on the
kitchen floor
** I have an entire organizational system for our winter stuff and we currently have a match for
every mitten
** We have a job, a roof over our heads, food on the table, and God at the head....everything else is
the small stuff
** We survived 2012, despite our failures
Here's to 2013......can't wait to see where it leads us.
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