Oh, Pinterest is becoming an obsession for me. My husband laughs at me because one of the purposes of Pinterest is to be creative on a small budget, however, he sees it as just another opportunity for me to find an obsession and spend money. I assure him, however, that I can "design on a dime". He's not convinced.
But I love looking at Pinterest and seeing the many creative ideas that people come up with just using household or dollar store items. I am amazed to see how Popsicle sticks can turn a regular mirror into a work of art, or how cheap plastic plates can be a 3-tiered jewelry box, or how a 50 cent picture frame can be turned into an expensive looking frame, or a can of spray paint can turn a brass light fixture into a luxuriously beautiful chandelier. I am not a creative person, but I look to Pinterest to find ideas that I can copy.
I love to do little projects to help decorate the house. It just makes me feel like I have added my own personal touch. Beau won't let me paint the walls, mainly because I don't have the patience to do it well and he would end up just having to fix my "work". Our current budget won't allow me to do any major renovations to the house like gutting a bathroom or redoing our kitchen. So for now, I will have to lean on my little Pinterest projects to play with my creative side (or copying others' creative side).
I have pinned so many projects that I would like to complete SOMETIME in the future. That SOMETIME comes very rarely, but when it does, I feel so accomplished. Since I don't really do much shopping anymore (my previous obsession), I now get a little anxious unless I have completed some kind of little Pinterest project.
How many of you Pinterest? How many boards have you created? How many projects have you posted? How many projects that you pinned have you actually completed? I know that I will never do all the projects I pinned, but I will continue to pin away!!!
Some of the ideas on Pinterest are simply functional ones, which I totally love. I like projects that help with the organization and functionality of items, while also being pretty. Beau just needs to understand that he married a girly girl and that's one of the reasons that he fell in love with me.
Happy Pinteresting everyone.
So simple isn't it? But I would never have come up with it on my own! |
If I ever put batteries in the lights, this arrangement will be beautiful.
Candlestick, Styrofoam ball, and flowers. Duh!! Maybe I need to add a ribbon? |
Painted coffee mug holder. Great for bracelets.
Wine rack and hand towels. How cool is that?
Fruit baskets (planters) on the wall. Save counter space! Functional and cute.
CD rack found at the dump that I painted and use for storing punches (for scrapbooking) |
And since the ball of flowers were so fun and easy, I made another one!
Dollar store plates, glue, and candlesticks. Perfect landing area at the end of the day for my jewelry.
These are just a few of my projects but I have plans for a lot more. Now, I am impatiently waiting to decorate for fall and start some new Pinterest projects. There's just not enough hours in the day.......
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