Although I haven't brought out my flip flops yet, I am enjoying this weather currently. It is beautiful. The sun feels warm on your skin while the breeze refreshes you and prevents you from becoming too warm. We even had a day warm enough to play in the sprinklers. As Beau and I worked in the yard doing some spring cleaning, the boys thoroughly enjoyed cooling down in the water.
Spring also marks the beginning of sports for our family. This year, three out of the four boys wanted to play recreational soccer again, but Oliver was insistent he wanted to try t-ball. He has requested this for a couple of years now, but only until recently did we feel he was ready to give it a try. As it turns out, he's actually pretty good. He had his first game today and he played well. Oliver scored a home run and he even played well in outfield. He almost was successful in getting somebody out. For a boy who doesn't like being the center of attention or wearing any kind of hat, Oliver did exceptionally well.
He was able to hit the ball, while onlookers paid attention to him and he wore a helmet with no complaint. These two items are huge successes for Ollie. Whether or not Oliver will ever be the MVP on his team has never been important. But the fact that he is stepping outside his comfort zone and doing something WITHOUT his brothers is something to be proud of. I am so excited to see what the remainder of the season will look like. I am praying for growth in his confidence and skill and I hope to see lots of smiles.
Last week, the other boys began their soccer seasons. We are so spoiled now because the field is less than half a mile from our house and we can walk there and not get caught up in the parking mess. Even though our little town consists of only 8800 people, the sports fields are packed. Being so close to the fields, I could hear the announcements this morning during the opening baseball ceremonies. I love it!!!
Carter has only played soccer about 2 seasons previously and they weren't overly successful. He thought he was playing football and knocked over most players and even coaches. Not one of his finest moments. But, this time, Carter finally showed signs of understanding the rules of the game and showed respect for other players. I wasn't there to see it, but Beau said Carter actually played soccer this time and played by the rules. So, I see this as success.
He's one of the youngest on the team, and one of the biggest. |
William moved up to an older league this year making him one of the youngest (and definitely smallest) on his team. But as always, Will played his best and enjoyed being social. He is a good runner and always plays with the best attitude. Another success.
Look at his fancy footwork. |
Zander hasn't had his first game yet so there is little to report there. They did make a change to the routine this season. In years past, there haven't always been enough players to have several teams in the U16 league. Remember, our town is very small. So, this year, in order to prevent the kids from playing the same rivaling team over and over again, we will be traveling to a nearby town and have the opportunity to play against "fresh" competition. It does mean we will have to travel this season, but I guess driving for 1 our of 4 kids isn't too bad.
This year, William has a new passion. Tree climbing. He has longed for years to follow Zander up into a tree, but until this year, he just didn't have the strength. Boys and trees are quite a pair.
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Little Bit isn't quite ready yet, but he sure did try.
So even though spring arrived late, we are going to enjoy every minute of it.
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