Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Oliver's 5th Birthday Bash

And so we made it.  Oliver is now 5 years old and I still remember the look on his little face when I first saw him.  He was this cute little chubby rolly-polly with a goofy toothless grin and the biggest round eyes I've ever seen.  He was 6 months old and had captured my heart.

Every day since that first day has been intriguing.  Living with Oliver is a chaotic joy.  He has taught me that "normal" is subjective, seeing details is important, and everyone bonds differently.  This little boy has opened my eyes to so many new things.  I love hearing his version of a story or his version of seeing something new because Oliver's synopsis of something is usually entirely different than his brothers' versions.  Not because anyone is lying, but because Oliver simply sees details that most others would miss.  And trust me, if Beau or I can't remember some mundane detail (mundane in our simple opinions), we often refer our questions to Oliver.  Almost always Oliver has an answer for us.  You can usually hear us saying, "Oh yeah, I remember that now.  Thanks Ollie." 

Living with Oliver has had it's mysteries.  But once the mystery is solved, then everything finally makes sense.  It's just getting through the solving part that is so hard.  Once I can see things through Oliver's eyes, then I understand.  However, while we are working through solutions, times can be very exhausting, confusing, frustrating, which all causes impatience.  But, we are learning as a family how to become more tolerant and more accepting.  

These days, Oliver is fascinated by dinosaurs and loves to watch documentaries.  He knows many of the dinosaurs by their names and can tell you many facts about each one.  He even has an awesome dinosaur walk that he can imitate so well.  I can't tell you how often our conversations are about his newly learned facts about dinosaurs.  During dinner, driving to school, while I am trying to dry my hair, through the door while I am trying to use the bathroom, while I am gathering the garbage.......dinosaur talk constantly.  His new interest is creatures of the deep ocean.  I am thankful for Netflix because he can stream new documentaries all the time as he is learning about this topic.  One of his favorite books to read is a children's dictionary (with pictures).  He can literally sit for hours sometimes "reading" the various subjects. 

Oliver is also a natural at figuring out electronics.  I have had to frequently ask Oliver which remote to use for which gadget and when do I use the source button and he always figures it out for me.  Oliver likes to do a new Lego project one time using the directions but then he likes to take it apart and figure it out after that without the instructions.  Sometimes this takes only minutes and sometimes much longer.  Either way, he stays at it until he figures it out.  I love that about him. 

Our family has had illnesses being passed around for the last 2 weeks and finally this past weekend, 5 out of the 6 of us were sick at the same time.  Oliver was the ONLY one that didn't get sick.  I was actually going to try to make a cake and even decorate it this year.  I was inspired to take my normal ugly cake and attempt to actually decorate it.  But when you're not feeling well, taking on a new project like decorating a cake and trying to make it presentable is just too much.  So, I bought a cake instead.  Can you just hear the sigh of relief?  Oliver requested spaghetti, his favorite food for his birthday meal.  We had a sweet friend from church bring us dinner because she had heard of us all being sick, but because I had already promised Ollie his spaghetti, we still had to cook last night.  But tonight, we have a homemade lasagna waiting for us.  Can not wait!!! 
Blowing out the candles

Oliver is a sweet blessing and we know that God chose our family to raise him.  How lucky we are.  Happy Birthday my sweet Oliver. 
Boys and Transformers !!!
Dad teasing Ollie and making him "jump" for his new Chima Legos
Carter sure likes Ollie's new Imaginext Toy Story playset

Thursday, January 24, 2013

15 Years.....and I still think he's awesome!!

Today, Beau and I celebrate 15 years of marriage, 17 years of friendship, and a family comprised of 4 boys.  We met in Gainesville while we were both attending University of Florida.  He and I both were in separate relationships, so we became friends.  He was a tenant with 3 other roommates in the apartment complex where I was the assistant manager.  He was Pre-Med and I was Business Management.  We were complete opposites and a very unlikely couple.  But as our friendship grew and our current relationships fell apart, Beau and I discovered our friendship was turning into much more.  He went on to change his major and graduate and I, well, left school without graduating and began my career in real estate.  I moved back to Orange Park while he finished up his degree.  Since we were living in towns about an hour apart, our new relationship was long distance, only seeing each other on the weekends.   But it worked.  As with most couples, we have seen our share of unity and also division.  But with each season, good or bad, we make it to the other side with a deeper appreciation for one another and a lesson from God. 

In our years together, we came to accept Christ as our Lord and Savior, learned to appreciate the joy and fear of Zander's birth, the loss of his beloved mother, experienced fostering children, had the blessing of adopting 3 children (one privately and two through foster care), survived 9 months apart while he accepted a new job in New England and I stayed behind to complete our final adoption, made it through a dark time last winter as I was adjusting to a new life, learned to make personal sacrifices for the good of the family, figured out what true communication means, became satisfied with the simpler things, and have accepted our circumstances. 

Lauren Palombo (maid of honor), Kristen Henderson (bridesmaid), Kim Bennett (sister-in-law and bridesmaid)

As sure as I was walking down the aisle on our wedding day that Beau was the right man for me, I am even more confident now.  I'm not blind, though.  As I have watched numerous marriages around me fall apart, marriages that were strong and loving, it always makes me sad.  I know that being married and staying married takes work and dedication from both parties.  It is easy to be married through the good times.  But the hard times?  It is during these tough times that the work and dedication become vital.  I am not a marriage expert and certainly will never claim to be.  I am just thankful that I have a husband that knows how to be selfless, patient, knows when to laugh, knows when to be serious, listens when I need him to, and "fixes" my problem when necessary. 

I realize that we have many more years, God willing, to weather more seasons of our marriage.  I look forward to those.

(Sorry for all the flash spots on the pictures.  I took a picture of these photos from my scrapbook)

In the meantime, the things that I totally love about Beau and our marriage together are:

1.   I love it that we can be silly, transparent, vulnerable, and serious with each other

2.   We still chase each other around the house and act like we did when we first got married

3.   I dig his graying hair

4.   To this day, the man won't wear sandals and it doesn't annoy me anymore

5.   He is a true leader of our home.  He leads with compassion, conviction, and love

6.   He is NEVER too busy for his boys

7.   We still go to bed at the same time together- no matter how late or early

8.   He calls me Missy and I love it

9.   He saves his best stuff for me (silliness)

10. He is a great handyman

11. He is the vomit cleaner-upper

12. He is in charge of helping the kids with their science and math homework

13. Regardless of my current mood, he is calm, patient, and rational

14. He knows me better than I know myself, and still likes me

15. I feel safe when I am with him

16. He eats my dinners even when they have "gone wrong"

17. He can tell by my voice on the phone when he needs to just pick up something for dinner for the family because I am obviously in no mood to cook

18. He occasionally takes the kids out so I can clean the house

19. Our family is his 1st priority

20. He is quiet and always deep in thought....but he shares his thoughts with only me

21. I used to hate Star Wars, but now I can name all the characters (even the remote ones)

22. He gets a little smirk on his face when he is winning a game (I secretly adore that even though I pretend to be mad)

23. He is quiet, but when he speaks, it's meaningful

24. He is kind, humble, and considerate

25. He is a good provider and is a hard, honest worker

26. His quirkiness is cute, his smile is endearing, and his heart is tender

Beau, I know this is way too mushy for your liking.  But, this is a tribute to you, our marriage, and our family.  I love you always. 

I ruthlessly creamed Beau with our wedding cake.  Sorry babe. 
Happy 15th Anniversary to my one true love.  


Monday, January 7, 2013

Christmas, New Years, and Reflections

Well, we closed out 2012 with a bang.  This year has seen it's share of ups and downs, triumphs and failures,  family closeness and family bickering, blessings and fears.  But I am sure most people can say the same thing about their 2012.  It's always nice to start off a new year because everything feels new, like a clean slate.  The best of intentions are put in motion (like eating healthy, working out, being more financially cautious, saving money, being more patient, being more globally aware....pick one).  You have a whole new 12 months of memories to make and all the worries belong to the year past.  Things feel fresh and the year begins with a large feeling of hope.  And don't we all need a little hope?  Faith? 
We got past Thanksgiving and we went directly into the Christmas season.  Santa completed 90% of his shopping on Black Friday so the remaining gifts were shopped for and purchased with no stress.  The boys of course visited with Santa and that was amazingly easy this year.  We timed it so perfectly, obviously a God thing, because we literally had no wait to see Santa.  We walked right into the roped off area and there was not a single person in line.  We had no crying boys, no scared boys, and no impatient boys.  Success.  This was the first year that Zander refused to be in the picture.  At least in the past, he would tolerate being in the photo because he knew how important it was to me.  Plus, we were able to convince him that he "helped" the boys stay settled for the picture.  I guess he's too old now to fall for that excuse again. 

Beau sent me down to Florida for a couple of days, ALL BY MYSELF.  He is so good to me.  I had a couple of quiet and low key days with my family.  I even got a chance to spend some time with my best friend and participate in her annual cookie decorating event.  I really missed my boys back home, but I learned that I severely needed this down time.  I had no responsibilities, no schedules, and time to actually complete my thoughts.  I also had a chance to catch up with a good friend who is a foster and adoptive mom like myself.  I always enjoy time with her.  She is a licensed therapist and I always learn so much from her each time we talk.  I was sad that I didn't have time to see everyone during this quick trip, but I purposefully used this time to rejuvenate.  I appreciated being hosted and pampered. 
Will and Ollie had a Polar Express day at school and got to wear their pajamas.  Of course, Carter had to wear his pajamas too. 

William sang and recited his memorized verse in front of our church during the Christmas Eve service.  I was so proud of him and I think he was proud of himself.  However, he was not happy about being dressed in a vest.  He thought he looked silly and I had to convince him how handsome he was.  Apparently he was so embarrassed by his vest, he refused to take off his jacket when he was on stage in front of the congregation.  Oh well, I still thought he was cute!

We had a nice Christmas this year and each boy was pleased with their "stash".  Legos were a big item around here and every time I step on one of those things, I truly wonder why Santa brought them.  I find Legos all around the house and have even found them in the refrigerator.  Sebulba, for those Star Wars fans, was the most active Lego.  He was found in every corner of our house.  He took a ride on the ice cream sandwiches in the freezer and he was found sitting on top of the bathroom faucet.  I do not know the rationale behind Sebulba's journey.  For my gift, I received a much desired Big Shot which is an embossing/die cutting machine.  So now, I am actually making up reasons to make cards.  I love making crafts and scrap booking, so this little device will get plenty of use.  We had a White Christmas, although it was so minimal it was melted by lunch time.  But it was nice to wake up to a little bit of white.  That was our first ever White Christmas. 


Every year, Beau's company has a shut down where they are closed for business.  This year, however, between how the holidays fell and the shut down was scheduled, Beau had a consecutive 17 days off.  He and I took turns sleeping in each day and that was truly awesome.  We rarely get to sleep in.  We ate brunches most days around noon.  We giggled that it was a money saving approach because on the large brunch days, we only ate 2 meals.  Ha.  We spent many days in our pajamas and enjoying NO AGENDA.  In fact, the boys had to go back to school before Beau had to go  back to work.  So he and I (and Carter) had a nice and kind of quiet lunch at Olive Garden one afternoon.  Nothing is ever really quiet with Carter around, unless he's asleep!!!  Carter is our loud and busy one. 

We did finally receive some substantial snow and I was able to get some experience driving in it.  Basically, snow is fun to play in, sled in, and build snowmen in.  However, driving, slipping, falling down on the ice, not being able to see the lines on the road, keeping up with everyone's snow gear......not so fun.  It drives me crazy if all the gloves and mittens are not matched up.  If we have a lone mitten, no rest for me until it's found.  I'm just like that.

In Florida, we always brought in the New Year's with our friends.  We would host a small gathering of our closest friends and have a game night while ringing in the New Year.  This was always so much fun.  I learned that I love Cranium, but I stink at the charades part.  I learned who can hum songs and who can't.  I have learned what family to NOT challenge in trivia.  I have learned just how competitive some of us are.  But mostly, I learned that I love those families in Florida and I miss them dearly.  However, the past two years, it has just been our little family.  That has been nice too.  We save that night for snacky foods for dinner and movies.  This year, Carter made it to 9:30 until he fell asleep in my arms.  Will and Ollie made it to 10pm.  Then Zander, Beau and I stayed up until 2am.  Of course, no matter how late the little guys went to bed, they are still up early the next morning.  Sigh!!
On New Year's Day, we went sledding.  The boys, big and small, enjoyed that.  Who wouldn't!  We went to the soccer fields at the elementary school near our home and had the entire field to ourselves for a couple of hours.  It was so cold and the wind was blowing hard, but we had fun.  The snow was just deep enough for good sledding and not too deep to lose a boy in.  None of the kids had any trouble or fears about sledding.  In fact, if we turned our back for even a second, Carter would steal the sled and ride down.  He was funny to watch because he had a huge grin on his face the whole way down.  Even when he did a face plant into the snow, he still greeted us with a grin. 

Reviewing this past year, I am thankful that our family is together.  I have come full circle and I am enjoying the small things now.  I celebrate even the smallest of triumphs because sometimes that is all there is.  With the fiscal cliff looming over us, the economy being a wreck, jobs no longer being secure, and the constant chaos of running a household full of boys, there is much to feel anxious about.  So yes, the small things have to count for much now.  They probably should have all along. 

Philippians 4:6-7  Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Triumphs of 2012:

**  Zander is working independently on his homework and showing some signs of maturity
**  William, although initially behind because of our move, is now ready for Kindergarten
**  Oliver gave up his passo (pacifier) just after his 4th birthday
**  Carter shows signs of compassion (sharing, hugging brothers when they have boo-boos)
**  Our family is finally working together again as a single unit and not as 6 bickering, selfish
       individuals (I was probably the biggest bickering selfish component)
**  I am no longer in the depths of despair
**  Oliver is showing some serious improvements with small changes made in our parenting
**  Beau and I have a financial plan and we are working toward goals
**  William is asking a lot of great questions about God and says he wants to know HIM
**  Now, all 4 boys pray during dinner and at bedtime (and they are so precious)
**  Oliver will wear a button down shirt sometimes and was willing to have his picture taken during
       school "retakes"
**  We survived all 4 boys playing soccer at the SAME time
**  We can all go play outside without the 3 little boys "scattering"
**  Will is getting used to the colder weather and no longer requires carrying a blanket with him
      everywhere he goes
**  We went on our first hike and we finished with the same number of people that began the hike
**  Everyone can now dress themselves (almost entirely) in their own winter gear
**  I have set aside a ton of things for our next garage sale
**  I only fell down the stairs one time
**  Everyone is out of a booster seat at the dinner table
**  We flew to and from Florida and we were never asked to exit the plane due to crying/screaming
**  We made it through Sea World and didn't lose anyone and even managed to have a good time
**  Our Christmas tree remained in tact for the entire season....never once did I desire to lay it on the
      kitchen floor
**  I have an entire organizational system for our winter stuff and we currently have a match for
      every mitten
**  We have a job, a roof over our heads, food on the table, and God at the head....everything else is
      the small stuff
**  We survived 2012, despite our failures

Here's to 2013......can't wait to see where it leads us.