Friday, March 30, 2012

Zander's Trip to Florida

For Winter Break, Zander decided he wanted to go to Florida and spend his time with family and friends.  So, for a couple of months, Zander worked on extra chores (which I totally loved the extra help) and earned his airfare.  I am so thankful that he has a relationship with Nana and Pop.  Growing up, my grandmother lived so far away that I rarely ever saw her.  Same goes for my aunts, uncles, and cousins.  But Zander has always had a special relationship with his nana and pop.

In fact, when he was 6 weeks old I had to return to work.  The only way I could resume my work was knowing that he was in excellent hands during my absence.  My mom kept Zander until he was 2 years old.  She often got to experience some of his "first" milestones, but she tried to not tell me so that when I got to see the "first" things it seemed like it was my special moment with Zander.  I really appreciated that. 

Over the course of Zander's elementary years, he developed some very special relationships.  It was really neat because not only did Zander have awesome friends, but I dearly loved his friends' moms.  Zander's two best friends are Jarod and Joshua. 

Now, boys fight, and compete and certainly these three have had their share of both.  But, they have always come back together even stronger.  More like brothers, really.    

Thank you so much Nana and Pop for being such loving and supportive grandparents to Zander.  I know you are always in his corner.  Cami and Patty, thank you for making Zander a part of your family.  We love all of you guys and appreciate everything that you do. 

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