Monday, September 3, 2012

Final Year of Junior High.....YIKES!!

Wasn't I JUST walking this guy into his classroom on his first day of Kindergarten?  My same little boy that was so petite with a large vocabulary and even bigger mind.  Zander was the child that was ok with having mom walk him to class, but was ready for me to vacate very quickly because he was a "big boy".  He certainly didn't need his momma hanging around for those cute first day pictures of the classroom, his desk, or his teacher.  I love watching all the pictures of children on their first day of kindergarten on facebook because it brings back such sweet memories. 

Zander's 1st day. 
This is Zander's beloved Kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Pounds.  There were many great teachers at Orange Park Elementary, but Mrs. Pounds was certainly the absolute best Kindergarten teacher for Zander.  She truly loves children and Zander loved her so much.  He still fondly talks about Mrs. Pounds.  We were  fortunate that he had such a positive beginning.  Until we moved to New Hampshire, we were looking forward to having Mrs. Pounds teach our three little guys.  Orange Park Elementary was a special school.  Small in size but large in heart.  Considering all the over-crowding of schools in our area, OPE was able to stay small and quaint.  The principal knew all the children's names and was able to match parents with their child.  Because this school was in such demand, they maintained a waiting list for enrollment.  Beau and I actually camped out on the school grounds for 3 nights to secure a spot for Zander.  Even after 3 nights of camping out, we were still only #17 on the list.  Some parents camped out for an entire week before the enrollment.  They of course were #1 and #2 on the list.  Being #17 didn't allow us to initially enroll at OPE.  There were only 16 openings.  However, literally 1 day before school began, we got the phone call that they had room for him.  An opening became available at the last minute.  We considered ourselves incredibly lucky.  The school did the "camping out" event annually, but Zander's class was the last year that used that avenue for enrollment.  Now, they use a lottery system.  I must say, however, camping out allowed Beau and I to meet the other parents and children and that was a precious time for us.  We truly enjoyed out time there.  Parents came together to to cook meals together while our children all played together.  Such fond memories. 

Well, last week I sent Zander off to his first day of 8th grade.  8TH GRADE!!!  Last year of junior high.  The last milestone before high school.  I have been looking at old pictures this week and have really enjoyed reminiscing over Zander's "first day of school" pictures and reflecting on his successes and his not-so successes.  He's growing into a young man before my very eyes.  He has traded in his crayons and stick glue for lockers and rotating schedules.  It is amazing, though, that whatever his age, I still have the same worries as I did when he was in kindergarten.  I guess it is true what my mother said.....he will always be my baby.                                                                                                                    

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