Hot chocolate, raking leaves, apple season, pumpkin picking, and seat warmers in the car....yep, sounds like Fall in New England. If I haven't mentioned it before, this is my FAVORITE time of year. Vibrant colors on the trees, and ground, crisp coolness in the air, squirrels scrimmaging for their last opportunities for acorns. Oh, it just doesn't get any better than this. I have already made the many treks downstairs to the basement to remove the summer clothes from my closet and replace them with my winter ones. Mittens, gloves, scarves, and hats will be out soon. Can not wait.
Nap time in freshly cleaned laundry---still warm from the dryer |
This fall was much like last year. We did the same kind of things but made new memories too. We attended the small festival, Old Home Days again. But this year, we could walk to the field as it is literally right outside our new neighborhood. The boys, as usual, had a really fun time. William even met up with a best friend from Pre-K and they rode some rides together. These two were inseparable last year and they were so excited to see each other again.
Will and Colin |
Doesn't that smile say everything? |
Will and Colin |
Snack time |
Sad face because his huge lollipop fell to the ground |
He's growing up |
Too tired to make it to bed after the fair |
Zander made the high school junior varsity soccer team and so Beau and I enjoyed being able to see most of his games. Zander was so proud to be a part of this team and we were thrilled to be able to watch the great sportsmanship and athleticism on the field from his whole team.
Beau spent a little time working on a project that I wanted him to complete.....a hangy thingy for coats and backpacks. I found some ideas from Pinterest and this is what we came up with. I already had the bench, we bought the cubby shelf for less than $10.00 at Lowe's on clearance and then bought the bead board and trim and some black paint and Beau put it all together. I love this creation and I am so thankful that Beau is willing to participate in these small projects.

Then my parents came to visit for a few days. My kids are always so excited to see their nana and poppy and I am thankful for their relationship. My parents only stayed for a few days but we made the most of their time here. We went to one of Zander's soccer games, picked out pumpkins with the kids, and spent an afternoon out on the deck scooping out the pumpkins and carving them. My mom tagged along with me as I made my multiple trips each day to the school to do drop offs and pick ups. She decided that I am far too busy during the day but I think she appreciates what I do. We enjoyed their visit and as always, it was sad to say goodbye.
Carter's first attempt |
Carter's second attempt |
Beau finally "helped' him |
Carved Pumpkin
Oliver's drawing
Carved pumpkin
Will's drawing
Carved pumpkin
I think Zander cheated
Finished pumpkin
Love you guys. See you next time.
Then we headed straight to Halloween. Each year as the boys get older, Halloween becomes a little more fun and a whole lot easier. The boys chose to dress up in Star Wars theme for Halloween 2013 and they had no trouble picking out their costumes. Since there are only 11 houses in our neighborhood, the trick or treating part didn't last long. But it was just enough to satisfy the boy's appetite for ringing the doorbells and yelling the obligatory "Trick or Treat" and receiving just enough candy to make them happy.
L- Carter (clone trooper), Middle-Will (clone trooper, R- Oliver (Darth Vader) |
Now most of the leaves have fallen leaving the trees mostly bare. We are awaiting Thanksgiving and SNOW. This will be my 3rd winter here in New Hampshire and my first one where we didn't have snow before Halloween. Although I am kind of thankful for that, the boys are desperately anxous to begin playing in the snow. Love and peace to all our family and friends during this wonderful season.
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