Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Pre-K Graduation

I am not even sure how I missed writing and posting this blog.  After all, graduating from Pre-K is such a pivotal stepping stone in a little guys life.  Will and Oliver's last day of school was on June 13 and the teachers, parents, and students celebrated this special day with a walk crossing the "bridge to kindergarten" and an ice cream party.  Beau was out of town and Zander was still in school, so Carter and I happily celebrated with Will and Oliver. 

First, we watched a tear inducing video of the students over the course of the school year.  What a neat reflection of the children's progress and successes.  Overall, both boys had large accomplishments this year.  We were fortunate to have a wonderful academic staff who not only worked well together as a team but also worked well with the students.  Oliver and Will are such different personalities and yet, each of them had a positive experience in Pre-K.  Once the video was over, the students performed some dances and songs for the parents.  This was truly a riot as I watched these little guys twist and shake and sing.  It was just as amusing to watch all the younger siblings who came to the ceremony mimic their older brothers and sisters.  Carter really enjoyed this portion of the ceremony.  He stood in the back with me dancing through the whole thing. 

Next, the children, one by one, crossed the bridge that signified their advancement into kindergarten.  Each child was supposed to stop halfway and look at their parents for a photo taking opportunity.  Everyone complied with this task....except for Oliver.  When it was his turn, he announced to the class, the teachers, and the parents, that he would be happy to cross the bridge, but his picture was NOT going to be taken.  That's my Ollie!!!  However, I was able to sneak in a blurred snapshot of him at the end when he was receiving his certificate from his teacher.  I take what I can get!

After the serious stuff was completed, we enjoyed ice cream with every kind of topping you could imagine from which to choose.  This was a lengthy process as each child wanted a little bit of everything on their ice cream.  Afterward, the teachers engaged the children in various activity centers.  It was during this time that the younger siblings could participate also.  Will and Ollie enjoyed these centers, but Carter had an absolute blast.  He fit right in with everyone and participated with the fullest amount of enthusiasm. 

Often times when I wonder why our family was led to New Hampshire, I can immediately find the answer.  It is the schools, teachers, and opportunities that my boys are receiving here that reveals the why.  I could not be more pleased with my children's academic resources.  While Beau and I believe that education starts at home, it is nice to have the support, professionalism, and experience that our public school offers in our area.  We are thankful to be in an excellent school system. 

Will and Ollie's teachers did an outstanding job this past year.  It was obvious that they went over and above and truly poured their souls into each child.  Mrs. Langley, Mrs. McWha, and Mrs. McLeod, we love and appreciate you.  Thank you for a wonderful year.

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