Friday, November 15, 2013

It's Fall time again!!!

Hot chocolate, raking leaves, apple season, pumpkin picking, and seat warmers in the car....yep, sounds like Fall in New England.  If I haven't mentioned it before, this is my FAVORITE time of year.  Vibrant colors on the trees, and ground, crisp coolness in the air, squirrels scrimmaging for their last opportunities for acorns.  Oh, it just doesn't get any better than this.  I have already made the many treks downstairs to the basement to remove the summer clothes from my closet and replace them with my winter ones.  Mittens, gloves, scarves, and hats will be out soon.  Can not wait. 
Nap time in freshly cleaned laundry---still warm from the dryer

This fall was much like last year.  We did the same kind of things but made new memories too.  We attended the small festival, Old Home Days again.  But this year, we could walk to the field as it is literally right outside our new neighborhood.  The boys, as usual, had a really fun time.  William even met up with a best friend from Pre-K and they rode some rides together.  These two were inseparable last year and they were so excited to see each other again. 

Will and Colin

Doesn't that smile say everything?

Will and Colin

Snack time

Sad face because his huge lollipop fell to the ground

He's growing up
Too tired to make it to bed after the fair

Zander made the high school junior varsity soccer team and so Beau and I enjoyed being able to see most of his games. Zander was so proud to be a part of this team and we were thrilled to be able to watch the great sportsmanship and athleticism on the field from his whole team.

Beau spent a little time working on a project that I wanted him to complete.....a hangy thingy for coats and backpacks.  I found some ideas from Pinterest and this is what we came up with.  I already had the bench, we bought the cubby shelf for less than $10.00 at Lowe's on clearance and then bought the bead board and trim and some black paint and Beau put it all together.  I love this creation and I am so thankful that Beau is willing to participate in these small projects. 

Then my parents came to visit for a few days.  My kids are always so excited to see their nana and poppy and I am thankful for their relationship.  My parents only stayed for a few days but we made the most of their time here.  We went to one of Zander's soccer games, picked out pumpkins with the kids, and spent an afternoon out on the deck scooping out the pumpkins and carving them.  My mom tagged along with me as I made my multiple trips each day to the school to do drop offs and pick ups.  She decided that I am far too busy during the day but I think she appreciates what I do.  We enjoyed their visit and as always, it was sad to say goodbye. 

Carter's first attempt

Carter's second attempt

Beau finally "helped' him
Carved Pumpkin

Oliver's drawing

Carved pumpkin

Will's drawing

Carved pumpkin

I think Zander cheated

Finished pumpkin

Love you guys.  See you next time. 

Then we headed straight to Halloween.  Each year as the boys get older, Halloween becomes a little more fun and a whole lot easier.  The boys chose to dress up in Star Wars theme for Halloween 2013 and they had no trouble picking out their costumes.  Since there are only 11 houses in our neighborhood, the trick or treating part didn't last long.  But it was just enough to satisfy the boy's appetite for ringing the doorbells and yelling the obligatory "Trick or Treat" and receiving just enough candy to make them happy.  

L- Carter (clone trooper), Middle-Will (clone trooper, R- Oliver (Darth Vader)

Now most of the leaves have fallen leaving the trees mostly bare.  We are awaiting Thanksgiving and SNOW.  This will be my 3rd winter here in New Hampshire and my first one where we didn't have snow before Halloween.  Although I am kind of thankful for that, the boys are desperately anxous to begin playing in the snow.  Love and peace to all our family and friends during this wonderful season.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

How I see it

I am sitting here in my comfy desk chair, sipping hot chocolate with marshmallows in my favorite snowman mug, wearing a baggy sweat shirt and old faded sweat pants, hair pulled up in a loose ponytail all while watching the sun fade away and darkness appear.  Today was a warm 50 degrees (the past 2 days were very chilly never making it out of the 30's).  This nonchalant appearance is a farce.  Many things are looming over me these days and causing anxiety. 

As I become older and hopefully wiser, I am becoming more politically aware, more conservative, more morally minded, more financially conscious, and more economically interested.  In my late teens and early 20's, I THOUGHT I believed in equal rights for men and women.  I THOUGHT I was liberal thinking.  I THOUGHT I was a Christian.  I also THOUGHT that these three things were separate and non related issues.  I never wanted to be controversial, mostly because I never had a solid thought of my own before.  But as I have become more aware of things, I am fearful. 

The current Obama care ad depicting a young lady wanting to "get" with a cute guy she just met and excited that her birth control is covered by insurance sickens me.  I shouldn't be shocked as this isn't new thinking in our current mainstream lifestyles, but then again, it does.  I don't want my boys to be taught that it is ok to "hook" up with a girl as long as she's on birth control.  What happened to good old fashioned courting?  You know.  That period of time when a man and a woman invest time to learn about each other, flirt a little, and practice self control.  Are we so deprived and self-indulged that we need to skip all that and go straight to the bedroom?  By the way, there is nothing better or more secure than having a physical relationship with the one person you love.  I want to raise my boys to respect women and their bodies, regardless of how a woman portrays herself.  There are so many outside influences like media, pornography, social networks that weaken a woman's image.  But ultimately, it is the parents' job to teach and guide their children.  Even at my children's young age, I pray for their future spouses.  I pray for there to be a genuine love for each other, but only after they have a genuine love for God. 

It is sometimes hard for me to have these opinions now when in my younger days I didn't live by these rules.  Maybe down deep I always knew what was right, but I didn't care enough.  It certainly wasn't my parents fault.  They were my biggest fans and they lived a moral lifestyle.  Poor self confidence and a lack of self worth led me down a path that was often times wrong but I am thankful for a forgiving and merciful God who has made me new. 

I am not going to debate whether or not in theory Obama care is a good or bad endeavor.  Frankly, I am not versed well enough in the plan to say.  But if it takes this kind of shock advertising to make it a "sellable" item, then I think we need to really think this through.  I worry about our Nation.   

When I first got married, I truly believed that Beau and I were an equal partnership (but really, in my mind, I was in control).  I was a princess to be taken care of and doted on.  Now, I know that we are equals in God's eyes, but we have different positions in our family.  Those positions are equally important, but one carries with it a huge responsibility.  Beau is the leader of our home.  That was one of the hardest concepts for me to understand when I became a Christian.  But leader doesn't mean dictatorship.  It means responsibility and accountability.  When Beau gently leads and I graciously submit, we have a most loving relationship that is rewarding to both of us and honoring to God.  It means he loves me completely and I respect him genuinely.  Don't we all want to be loved and respected?  When both partners embrace these roles, it is freeing and safe.  One day, Beau will stand before God and be held accountable for his role as husband and father.  So I now have a much deeper appreciation for his role in our family.  Today, as an adult that has been married for almost 16 years, I understand what a true partnership means.  However, I worry about and pray for families in our nation today that are separated, divorced, adulterous, unloving, unforgiving, and selfish. 

I am not an eloquent speaker nor a skillful writer, but my simple blog is therapeutic for me.  And sometimes, just sometimes, others read my blog and feel they can relate. 

But as I was pondering over these things today, I was given a sweet break.  Will and Ollie came home today with their artistic renditions of something.  I haven't quite figured it out yet, but I enjoy these simple pleasures.  They were so excited to make, paint, glaze, and fire their pottery in school.  Over the years, Zander has come home with some kind of art piece and has proudly placed it on my "art" shelf.  But today, Will and Oliver have joined the shelf.  Now, please know, that no one in this family is an artist (as you can see from the pictures).  But I love each one of the masterpieces none the less.  As the saying goes, "only a mother could love."

My version of ET made in third grade (I think)

Side view---not any prettier

Zander's bowl

Zander's something?  I'm not sure what to call it.

William's bowl

Oliver's bowl

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The Water that Cleanses

Every Christian parent usually has very specific prayers they repeat often almost daily, regarding their children.  Bruce and I are no exception.  We pray for their health, their safety, their obedience, their academic success, their ability to make friends, their future spouses, a servants heart, and mostly, their salvation.  We also pray specifically for each child as they have different needs and challenges, but we know that their salvation is still the most important prayer we can pray. 

Our little William was a much prayed for little boy.....prior to his birth.  If you want to read more about that, you can follow the link here: William's Story.  Beau and I prayed for years before we decided to adopt and once we both were in agreement to pursue adoption to grown our family, we prayed for months leading up to Will's birth and adoption.  His arrival was a sweet one.  We KNEW that God had placed this little boy in our home and blessed us in a huge way. 

From the time he could talk, we could see Will's tender heart.  When Will turned 13 months old, we began fostering our first child, Oliver, who was 6 1/2 months old at the time.  Oliver's story can be read here:  Oliver's homecoming.  Will instantly turned an open and sympathetic heart towards Ollie.  Oliver required much of our attention from the beginning and continues to do so.  William was gentle, loving, and proud of his new instant brother.  It was almost as if Will never knew any different.  Then Carter came along, follow his story here, and we felt like we were busting at the seams in busyness.  We had 3 little boys under the age of 2 and all in diapers.  It was very trying sometimes, but Will always remained calm.  Oh yes, he had his 2 year old moments and his stints of mischievousness and "boy" tricks.  But ultimately, William always had the ability to be reasoned with and parented easily.  William often makes personal sacrifices for the good of his brothers.  He is quick to release a brand new toy to his brothers without complaint.  He is readily willing to give up something he desires so that his brothers can chose something instead.  Bruce and I, however, work very hard to make sure that his generosity doesn't go unnoticed. 

William has always made friends easily.  He is very compassionate with other people.  He sees others' sadness and always finds ways to help them.  He takes the time to care for others.  William is very sensitive to others' needs and constantly looks for opportunities to fill those needs.  He is generous with his toys, his friendship, and his loyalty. 

Over the last months, William has been very thoughtful with his questions and inquisitiveness about God.  We have had wonderful conversations over this time and with each one the conversation has been more intense and more intentional.  Driving in the car has been a time for many of these talks as we look at the beauty that surrounds us in nature.  All of God's handy work.  Will knows that he was a gift from God as HE joined him and our family together through adoption.  He understands that he is a sinner in need of a savior.  Will knows that Jesus died on the cross for our sins and rose again.  The Trinity is still baffling to him.  I still struggle as I try to wrap my mind around that one too.  On July 16, William came running to me with tears welled up in his eyes.  He had this urgency about him and this intense desire to KNOW that he was going to go to Heaven.  Bruce came home for lunch and we prayed with Will and he asked Jesus to come into his heart.  It was precious, moving, and sweet.  But, the main ingredient that Will possesses is his child-like faith.  His wide eyes and open heart is just the beginning of a long relationship with Christ.  How I wish I could always possess that same ability! 

I look forward to watching William as he travels his journey with Christ.  For I know He has a plan for this little boy with a tender heart and I delight in watching his grow spiritually, physically, and mentally.  I love you William. 

We are very thankful for our church family.  Our church is led by a God-loving pastor and his wife couldn't be more of an example of a Godly woman.  We cherish their family who have gone out of their way to welcome the Bennett's.  The congregation is very open-armed as well.  The love of God is apparent every Sunday.  In New England, where people keep to themselves and are often hard to reach, this church stands out.  This church loves on people, loves Christ, and loves the Gospel.  During a quaint and lovely baptism we had several families join us to celebrate.  Thank you everyone who came and celebrated such a sweet time with us.  We love you all. 

PS  At first Oliver so badly wanted to get in the water with William and was very vocal about it during the baptism.  However, when he discovered how cold the water was, Oliver decided he no longer wanted to be hypnotized (baptized).  There's got to be a little humor in the midst of dysfunction!!!  Seriously though, I do continue to pray for Oliver and Carter's salvation and hope that one day they will be hypnotized.


Thank you Amy Lutz for taking the pictures while I bawled my eyes out and tried to keep Oliver under control!!  You are a blessing my friend. 

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Pinterest Obsession!!

Oh, Pinterest is becoming an obsession for me.  My husband laughs at me because one of the purposes of Pinterest is to be creative on a small budget, however, he sees it as just another opportunity for me to find an obsession and spend money.  I assure him, however, that I can "design on a dime".  He's not convinced.

But I love looking at Pinterest and seeing the many creative ideas that people come up with just using household or dollar store items.  I am amazed to see how Popsicle sticks can turn a regular mirror into a work of art, or how cheap plastic plates can be a 3-tiered jewelry box, or how a 50 cent picture frame can be turned into an expensive looking frame, or a can of spray paint can turn a brass light fixture into a luxuriously beautiful chandelier.  I am not a creative person, but I look to Pinterest to find ideas that I can copy. 

I love to do little projects to help decorate the house.  It just makes me feel like I have added my own personal touch.  Beau won't let me paint the walls, mainly because I don't have the patience to do it well and he would end up just having to fix my "work".  Our current budget won't allow me to do any major renovations to the house like gutting a bathroom or redoing our kitchen.  So for now, I will have to lean on my little Pinterest projects to play with my creative side (or copying others' creative side). 

I have pinned so many projects that I would like to complete SOMETIME in the future.  That SOMETIME comes very rarely, but when it does, I feel so accomplished.  Since I don't really do much shopping anymore (my previous obsession), I now get a little anxious unless I have completed some kind of little Pinterest project. 

How many of you Pinterest?  How many boards have you created?  How many projects have you posted?  How many projects that you pinned have you actually completed?  I know that I will never do all the projects I pinned, but I will continue to pin away!!!

Some of the ideas on Pinterest are simply functional ones, which I totally love.  I like projects that help with the organization and functionality of items, while also being pretty.  Beau just needs to understand that he married a girly girl and that's one of the reasons that he fell in love with me. 
Happy Pinteresting everyone.   
So simple isn't it?  But I would never have come up with it on my own!

If I ever put batteries in the lights, this arrangement will be beautiful. 

Candlestick, Styrofoam ball, and flowers.  Duh!!  Maybe I need to add a ribbon?

Painted coffee mug holder.  Great for bracelets.  

Wine rack and hand towels.  How cool is that?

Fruit baskets (planters) on the wall.  Save counter space!  Functional and cute.

CD rack found at the dump that I painted and use for storing punches (for scrapbooking)
And since the ball of flowers were so fun and easy, I made another one!

Dollar store plates, glue, and candlesticks.  Perfect landing area at the end of the day for my jewelry. 

These are just a few of my projects but I have plans for a lot more.  Now, I am impatiently waiting to decorate for fall and start some new Pinterest projects.  There's just not enough hours in the day.......


Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Carter finally gets to go to school

For years, Carter has watched his brothers get new back packs, back to school haircuts, new clothes, and school supplies in prepartion for a new school year.  Each time, Carter has very patiently and excitedly shared in these experiences with his brothers hoping that his turn would soon come.  Well, today was the day. 

Carter quickly got dressed, rushed through breakfast, and hurriedly brushed his teeth.  He was excited that today was HIS turn to take a picture in the dining room to represent HIS "first day" of school.  I wished that his first day of school could have happened back when he was 3 years old, but paying for Will and Oliver to be in school was expensive already.  So, Beau and I decided that another year at home could benefit Carter by giving him more time to mature and would also benefit our budget.  I hope we were right.  Only time will tell. 

I pray that Carter has a good day at school and like all mothers, I hope that he shares, obeys, and learns.  Carter is quite a bit bigger and is older than his 3 other classmates, but he is learning to be more calm and more gentle.  Fingers are crossed.   

Have a good day little one.  I'll be thinking of you all morning.  I hope you come home with your  contagious Carter smile!!!

Friday, August 30, 2013

First Day of High School

I am not sure who was more excited about this day, me or Zander.  I am sure the excitement and mix of other emotions were different for he and I, but emotional none the less.  Zander's thoughts were of his first soccer game scheduled for tonight, seeing friends, and navigating through the high school.  My thoughts, however, are much deeper.  Am I parenting Zander the way God intended?  Will Zander have a successful academic year?  What will his focus be?  Is Zander going to extend the love of God, even in difficult times?  Will his maturity grow exponentially this year?  Will he learn to gain more confidence?   Will he have the ability to juggle a full schedule this year, without the prodding of mom?   I had a hard time sleeping last night as these questions rattled around in my mind.  I was also thinking back to Zander's first day of kindergarten.  He was so independent and yet, still needed mommy.  Today, he is still that independent little boy and although he needs me, he will go out of his way to not let me know that.  I try to quietly sit back and watch him grow, learn, and embrace his new life as a high schooler.  It's hard to do, but sometimes less advice and less hovering is better.  I know God has a plan for his life and I rest in that. 

Beau is always saying that Zander and I are just alike.  If that is true, then I sincerely worry and pray diligently for Zander.  I made so many mistakes, like many teenagers, and REFUSED to listen to my parents (even when secretly I knew they were right).  I was fortunate because I grew up somewhere in my early 20's with only a few cuts and bruises along the way.  But Zander? 

Zander's school allowed a "trial run" yesterday for freshmen only.  He and I were both very grateful for that as it seemed to ease his nerves.  He had the opportunity to meet his teachers, learn where his classes were located, and just get some of the first day jitters out of the way.  He came home yesterday with a huge smile on his face and lots of enthusiasm for this school year.  I only hope he has even just a glimmer of that enthusiasm left by the end of the year. 

First day of kindergarten

First tooth fairy money

Cub Scouts

President's Report for school


First school dance- 7th grade
Conway, NH
Sea World



Siblings....before Carter

Day he was baptized

So, I sit here while everyone is still in bed asleep and pray and look at old "first day of school" pictures and wonder where the time went. Now go Zander, and be the salt and light in your school. I love you and I am proud of you.